ICCP Cathodic protection live output measurements

measuring real-time activity underwater, and repairing ICCP systems

By regularly inspecting and maintaining a vessel by means of FN Diving underwater inspection technicians, you can extend the trouble free life of a vessel drastically.

By measuring the output real time instead of in theory the protection levels underwater are assured.

Our approach includes inspecting, measuring real-time activity underwater, and repairing ICCP systems. This not only facilitates significant cost savings in hull maintenance but also aids in fuel cost reduction due to a smoother hull surface. Importantly, it protects your investment and enhances safety through improved hull integrity.

Additionally, this method prevents extensive dry dock expenses for steel work and coating renewal.

When the output and protection levels are not in order we can repair, renew and retro fit any ICCP and cathodic protection system underwater while the vessel stays operational.